Long Beach Development Services: Year in Review
City of Long Beach: Development Services Department
Art Direction / Design / UI Design / Print
Many of our government and public-sector clients come to us because they want an “out-of-the-box” approach to their communications but just aren’t sure how to get there. That’s why the City of Long Beach tapped us to create their 2017 annual reports for the second year in a row.
To help Long Beach Development Services highlight their efforts to improve the quality of life for residents, workers, and visitors—and also build excitement about what’s on the horizon for the city—we developed three annual reports, each dedicated to an area of accomplishment.
What We Did and How We Did It
We wanted the reports to exude a warm and human feeling, while also captivating readers with a bold visual experience and an elevated feel. We used striking photography, coupled with line art illustrations, to create reports that are not only informative, but also playful and sophisticated.
We did double design-duty, creating digital versions that were optimized for viewing across multiple platforms, along with traditional print versions featuring horizontal fold-out sections for more interactive, lifelike spreads. Readers could only reveal the images by flipping the pages, which created a more unique “discovery” experience and more impact overall.
What Our Client Said About It
The reports have just begun hitting the shelves, and we are already receiving amazing feedback from stakeholders and the community.
“This year’s ‘out-of-the-box’ creative is forward-thinking, risk-taking, and really pushes the boundaries of graphic design for the type of collateral that’s typically produced by the City...”