July Fore Promo
Each Independence Day, Jovenville host July Fore!, an informal golf competition meant to show camaraderie and appreciation for existing clients and act as a sales tool for potential clients. Not to mention, serve as a platform to showcase the Jovenville’s “no-holds-barred” creative skills: the agency has racked up a host of prestigious awards for their July Fore! Invites and other self promotional pieces, as well.
The July Fore! Invite used a spy/secret agent theme, to engage recipients to get in touch with their inner James Bond. The agency started teasing the campaign on Instagram, about a week before the first direct mail drop. The initial drop was a mailer that looked like a spy dossier, with official-looking document, mystery challenges, and a passport that featured the recipient’s picture and other details that were captured from LinkedIn. The package served to facilitate (and reward) different levels of engagement: some people simply wanted to look at the cool graphics and sign up for the tourney, while others embraced the challenge and went through different rounds of mystery solving and payoff.
“The intrigue is over the top!”
“I absolutely LOVE this campaign…so awesomely packaged and thought out…AWESOME!”
The promotion has brought in business that’s worth about 10% of the company’s annual revenue.